JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Whirlwind PS2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for PS2 is a faithful manga adaptation. Most obviously, the cel-shaded 3D graphics are a remarkable re-creation of the original artwork, but there's more to it than that. The special effects are all familiar -- speedlines, animating katakana sound effects -- and the pacing echoes Japanese comics as well. The way time stretches out over long series of cut-up panels is echoed by the game's use of expository cutscenes and slow-motion breaks during combat sequences. Anybody who's flipped through pages at the pace of your usual manga should experience a DISTINCT sensation of deja vu.週刊少年ジャンプで大好評連載中の『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』が3Dアクションゲームになった!カプコンが誇る新感覚グラフィックとスタンド能力を駆使したバトルで第5部の世界を黄金体験できる!!スタンドを自在に操り、「スタンドシュート」で敵のスタンドを暴いて倒せッ!!先着購入特典には、なんと原作者荒木飛呂彦先生の描き下ろしポスターが!早いもの勝ち!
Platform: Sony PlayStation 2 |
Game Name: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Whirlwind |
Region Code: NTSC-J (Japan) |
Publisher: CAPCOM |